
  • Equip charms to earn buffs & bonuses in Resident Evil 4 Remake. Discover over 30 charms with effects worth utilizing.
  • Combine three charms to ease gameplay. From increased ammo crafting to faster movement, get the edge in RE4.
  • Save money on upgrades with charms like the Merchant or improve combat with charms like Ashley Graham. Choose wisely.

In Resident Evil 4 Remake, players can attach charms to their attache case to receive certain buffs and bonuses. These charms have varying effects, from increasing Leon’s movement speed to increasing the value of certain items the player can sell to the merchant. Players can earn these by putting tokens into the Token Machine found in the Merchant’s shooting range.


Resident Evil 4 Remake: All Bosses (& How to Beat Them)

Here’s the complete list of all RE4 remake bosses with best practices for killing them.

There are over 30 charms in the game. However, some of these charms have effects players will definitely want to take advantage of. As long as they equip three of these, they’ll be able to go through Resident Evil 4Remake with a bit more ease. The game can be difficult, after all. Players will need to take advantage of all the help they can get.

Updated February 23, 2024, by Mara Cowley: The Resident Evil 4 Remake made several changes from the original, implementing a darker and grittier tone, new boss fights, changing some of the existing areas, and offering a whole host of charms players can attach to their attache case for some added bonuses. This article already featured many of the best charms in RE4 Remake, but there were still more available for players to benefit from, and they deserve to be considered.

12 Soldier W/ Dynamite

Grants Possible Bonus When Crafting Attachable Mines

The Soldier w/ Dynamite charm from Resident Evil 4 remake.

  • Common charm
  • +30% Attachable Mines Craft Bonus Frequency

The added bonus to this charm means that whenever players craft attachable mines, there’s a 30% chance of generating more ammo than usual.

This is great considering how useful and powerful attachable mines can be. These are even powerful enough to destroy enemies in the game in a matter of seconds. With the Soldier w/ Dynamite charm equipped, players will be able to craft more attachable mines with the same number of resources.

11 Rhinoceros Beetle

Recovery Items Are Worth More

The Rhinoceros Beetle charm from Resident Evil 4.

  • Epic charm
  • +100% Health Recovery Item Resale Value

The Rhinoceros Beetle charm increases the value of recovery items when they’re sold to the Merchant. The usefulness of this charm becomes clearer once the player reaches maximum health and continues collecting Yellow Herbs. Since the Yellow Herbs become obsolete once the health is at max, players can opt to sell them instead.

This charm turns the Yellow Herb into a valuable treasure. Its price won’t be as high as an average treasure, but the player will still get more Pesetas than usual. Players can equip this before selling a recovery item. They can then replace it with another charm once done.

10 Handgun Ammo

Grants Possible Bonus When Crafting Handgun Ammo

The Handgun Ammo charm from Resident Evil 4 remake.

  • Deluxe Edition Charm
  • Adds 30% Handgun Ammo Craft Bonus Frequency

The Handgun Ammo charm increases the craft bonus frequency of handgun ammo by 30%. While handgun ammo is rampant in the game already, this ensures the player will almost always never run out of it while they go through the game.

The handgun is perhaps one of the weapons the player will use the most. It’s reliable enough that it can deal with the smaller enemies in the game, so the player can reserve the other, more powerful weapons for the tougher enemies. Equipping this charm will allow gamers to use the handgun for longer periods of time.

9 Ashley Graham

Increases Effectiveness Of Green Herbs

The Ashley Graham charm from Resident Evil 4 Remake.

  • Epic charm
  • +50% Health Recovery for Green Herbs

The Ashley Graham charm is useful whenever the player runs out of First Aid Sprays and has a handful of Green Herbs but not Yellow or Red Herbs to craft Mixed Herbs. This charm will increase the health recovered by consuming Green Herbs by up to half, improving their usefulness.


Resident Evil 4 Remake: Reasons Why Ashley Is Better In The Remake

Considering the gripes and complaints many fans had for Ashley in the original, Capcom has addressed this in the remake in fine fashion.

This charm is in the Rare category. It’s not the easiest to obtain, but it can be enormously useful from time to time. However, the player can only equip three charms at a time. It’s best to use this one when the player is near a typewriter, their health is low, and they have multiple Green Herbs in their inventory.

8 Cute Bear

Crafting Consumes Less Gunpowder

The Cute Bear charm from Resident Evil 4 Remake.

  • Legendary charm
  • -1 Gunpowder used when Crafting

When this adorable bear charm is equipped, players will save one single unit of gunpowder each time they craft. It may not seem significant, but the more the player crafts ammo, bolts, and bombs in Resident Evil 4 Remake, the more useful the charm becomes, as crafting can be costly in terms of resources.

As a Legendary charm, however, it will be tough to obtain. It may take the player a lot of Silver and Gold Tokens before they can finally earn it, but it’s a worthwhile investment that is certain to prove useful, especially when playing on harder difficulties.

7 Zealot W/ Shield

Grants Bonus When Crafting Shotgun Shells

Resident Evil 4 Remake Zealot

  • Common Charm
  • +20% Shotgun Shell Craft Bonus Frequency

Crafting bullets is an essential mechanic in Resident Evil 4 Remake, as Capcom loves to make resources scarce to their players to encourage tactical thinking and make them a little nervous as they watch their only means of self-defense dwindle.

That’s where this particular charm comes into play, as it grants a bonus every time the player crafts shotgun shells. Being one of the most useful guns in the game for cutting a swathe through crowds of ganados, players will be thankful to have these extra shells, as they run out faster than one might think.

6 Bella Sisters

Grants Bonus When Crafting Magnum Ammo

Resident Evil 4 Remake Bella Sisters

  • Common charm
  • +20% Magnum Ammo Craft Bonus Frequency

The magnum is a powerhouse of a weapon, always appearing late-game in Resident Evil titles. Though it has a powerful kick-back, it deals mass amounts of damage to anyone unlucky enough to be caught in its crosshairs.

To balance out the strength of this gun, Magnum ammo is extremely rare. Players will not find many bullets when looting the game’s areas, and thus, the easiest way to access magnum ammo is through crafting. Having this charm equipped will mean players yield more magnum ammunition when they craft, which will certainly prove useful against the tougher bosses in the game.

5 Merchant

Save Money On Weapon Upgrades

The Merchant charm from Resident Evil 4 Remake.

  • Epic charm
  • 5% Off All Weapon Upgrades

The Merchant charm lowers the prices of all weapon upgrades by 5%. Because of its effect, the player doesn’t need to equip this charm all the time. They can simply equip it whenever they have to upgrade their weapons and replace it with another one afterward.


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Weapon upgrades in Resident Evil 4 Remake can be remarkably expensive, especially the higher-level upgrades. Lowering them by 5% allows for a huge save, permitting players to spend their leftover money elsewhere or on other upgrades.

4 Ada Wong

Reduces The Cost Of Repairing Body Armor

The Ada Wong charm from Resident Evil 4 Remake.

  • Rare charm
  • 30% off Body Armor Repairs

As soon as the player buys the body armor in Resident Evil 4 Remake, it remains on them permanently. However, the armor does degrade the more damage it receives, which is why it needs to be repaired time and time again. This can be costly until the player acquires the Ada Wong charm.

The Ada Wong charm lowers the cost of body armor repairs by 30%. That’s a huge discount, and it is desperately needed because repairing the armor is something the player will do a lot as they play through the game.

3 Leon W/ Handgun

Knife Repairs Cost Less

The Leon w/ Handgun charm from Resident Evil 4 Remake.

  • Rare Charm
  • 30% off Knife Repairs

Until the player acquires the Primal Knife, the only unbreakable knife in Resident Evil 4, they’ll have to repair the knives they have as they break with constant use. Like body armor, repairing the knife time and time again can be costly. Thankfully, there’s a charm that lowers this cost as well.

The Leon w/ Handgun charm lowers the cost of repairing the knife by 30%. Once acquired, the player should equip this each time they’re about to repair their knives; otherwise, they will see their funds dwindling over the course of the game.

2 Striker

Move Faster

The Striker charm from Resident Evil 4 Remake.

  • Legendary charm
  • Increases run speed by 8%

Leon’s average movement speed is noticeably slow, but thankfully, there is a charm that helps with that: the Striker charm. It’s particularly helpful for players who want to get through the game as fast as they can on harder difficulties so that they can receive a higher rank. Additionally, the increased movement speed can also allow Leon to run away from enemies and their attacks more effectively.


Things The Original Resident Evil 4 Does Better Than The Remake

The Resident Evil 4 Remake does the original game justice, but there are a few things that it just can’t beat.

The Striker charm is an Easter egg that references a trick speedrunners used in the original Resident Evil 4. When aiming with the Striker shotgun and opening the inventory with the correct timing, they could increase Leon’s movement speed. This charm gives almost the same effect. It’s not as fast as the original speedrunning trick, but it’s significant enough to affect gameplay.

1 Illuminados Emblem

Increases Chance Of Inflicting A Critical Hit

The Iluminados Emblem charm from Resident Evil 4 Remake.

  • Epic charm
  • +20% Melee Critical Hit Rate

The Illuminados Emblem charm increases the melee critical hit rate by 20%. This is an amazing charm considering how often the knife is used or should be used in the game. On top of that, the knife is also effective enough in dealing with most of the enemies in Resident Evil 4 Remake. This charm makes Leon’s melee attacks more deadly.

If the melee attack inflicts a critical hit, it has the potential to kill an enemy immediately. This charm allows that to happen more often. This makes the charm the deadliest and most powerful in the game, as long as the player uses melee attacks liberally.

resident evil 4 remake

Resident Evil 4 Remake
March 24, 2023

Survival Horror


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