Here is how Stellar Blade players can find the Wasteland Destroyed Monorail passcode and chest.

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  • Where To Find Destroyed Monorail Passcode In Stellar Blade
  • Where To Find Wasteland Destroyed Monorail Chest In Stellar Blade

In the Wasteland, there are many chests that contain valuable items. Due to the nature of the terrain, it is easy to get lost and lose sight of the goal. Players can easily get lost and have a hard time finding a particular item.

​​​​​​There are several chests in the Wasteland, some of which are easy to find, while the rest can be a bit tricky. The Destroyed Monorail chest and its passcode are a bit of both. In this guide, Stellar Blade players will learn how to find the Destroyed Monorail chest and passcode.



Stellar Blade: How To Get Bar 99 Chest Passcode

The Bar 99 chest in Stellar Blade can only be opened after activating a side quest.

Where To Find Destroyed Monorail Passcode In Stellar Blade

To find the Destroyed Monorail chest passcode, players need to head north towards the Scrap Plains. There are a ton of different enemies nearby, so the first priority of the players should be to activate the fast travel point nearby. So, even if they end up dying, they won’t have to cover too much ground. Head to the mark shown in the image below to find the robot that contains the passcode.

Stellar Blade: Wasteland Destroyed Monorail Passcode Location

The next part is the trickiest. Players will need to avoid two snipers to reach the robot and get the passcode. In addition to the snipers, there are also some enemies here, which further complicates things. Here is how you can reach the robot safely:

  • Take cover behind the blue box in front.
  • Once the sniper fires, run straight towards the second sniper and stay below it.
  • Take out the gun and shoot the robot. It will only take a few shots to kill it.
  • If you are attacked by any enemies, try to lure them towards the second sniper and finish them off there.
  • Once the enemies have been dealt with, it’s time to claim the contents of the robot, which include the passcode and a few other things.

Players can take a different approach, as long as they get the passcode for the chest.

Where To Find Wasteland Destroyed Monorail Chest In Stellar Blade

The Wasteland Destroyed Monorail Chest is not far from the passcode. Head to the location shown in the image below.

Stellar Blade: Wasteland Destroyed Monorail Chest Location

As you reach the area, you will see a broken monorail. In order to climb in, jump on the school bus and then jump again inside the monorail. Go to the right, and you will see the chest. Enter the passcode to open the Wasteland Destroyed Monorail Chest and obtain the following rewards:

stellar blade box art

Stellar Blade
April 26, 2024

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Sony Interactive Entertainment

Action RPG


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