Key Takeaways

  • Players use their creativity in Tears of the Kingdom by crafting unique vehicles to explore Hyrule.
  • One player created a vehicle like a butterfly using wings to fly through the sky.
  • The Butterfly vehicle consists of two Zonai fans, a battery, fifteen railings, and a steering stick between the wings.

One dedicated Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom player has built a vehicle that looks like a butterfly. From self-sufficient boats to infinite-energy helicopters, Tears of the Kingdom players have made various contraptions to navigate Hyrule. Using the game’s construction tools and natural resources, they’ve crafted all sorts of vehicles that have unique features.

Vehicles in Tears of the Kingdom provide unparalleled autonomy in transportation, allowing players to explore the world of Hyrule faster than usual. Once players craft a functional vehicle, they can utilize it to visit eye-widening locations hidden in Hyrule. These places usually host several NPCs and enemies that contribute to the game’s story and drop various items.


Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Player Pulls Off Absurd Gleeok Trickshot

One Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom player showcases their incredible skill at the game, hitting a Gleeok with an impressive series of trick shots.

One imaginative Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom player, who goes by Kmarkow on Reddit, has created a vehicle that looks similar to a butterfly. The vehicle consists of two Zonai fans, a battery, and fifteen railings. Despite its sheer size, it has an impressive flying speed and functions at high altitudes. The main components of this butterfly ship are elevator railings, which significantly increase its stability and maneuverability. Players who want to use these materials can find them inside the Right Leg Depot, located east of Tears of the Kingdom‘s Construct Factory.

Tears of the Kingdom Player Crafts Giant Butterfly

Compared to its little body, this butterfly ship has broad and large wings that help it fly through the air like a plane. Despite having one Zonai battery, it can stay in the air for a few seconds. As seen in the video above, the player can easily control the vehicle with a steering stick between its wings.

In addition to elevator railings, Tears of the Kingdom players must find a Zonai battery, two Zonai fans, and a steering stick to complete the butterfly ship. These items are used to power up vehicles, propel them through the air, and control their direction. Combined with elevator railings that provide sufficient torque, they immediately form a functional vehicle. Luckily, Tears of the Kingdom‘s Zonai devices are found inside a number of gachapon machines scattered throughout the map.

Zonai devices are technological wonders that can be used with Energy Cells. They allow players to elaborate vehicles, create torture machines, and craft functional mechs from scratch. The only way to unlock Zonai devices is to put Zonai charges into dispensers.

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom requires players to use the Ultrahand ability to combine Zonai devices they get from gachapon machines. This ability allows players to attach different materials and detach them whenever they want. It becomes available after completing Tears of the Kingdom‘s Ukouh Shrine.


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