The Plucky Squire doesn’t feature a particularly large range of different collectibles, but it does feature over 50 pieces of art that the players can come across — known as Art Scrolls. These can be found hidden in trees, behind secret parts of levels, and even purchased from a merchant.

Another collectible featured in the game are Glitchbirds, of which there are only 10. Both of these will require the player to stray from the beaten path, adding additional time to their Plucky Squire playthrough and encouraging them to explore every corner of the charming game world.

Art Scroll 1

The first Art Scroll will be obtainable shortly after meeting Violet in the game. Head right to turn to the next area, dispatch the enemies, and then look at the top of the area. There will be a small lake with the scroll to the left of it behind some bushes and a tree.

Art Scroll 2

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (2)

Once you have opened the gate above “The gate swung open,” you will meet the merchant named Martina. This merchant will sell Jot all manner of upgrades, along with periodic Art Scrolls. Be sure to always buy any Art Scroll she has before moving on.

At the time of writing, there is an issue where this merchant does not sell all their wares during the post-game. Be sure to put in some extra work in each chapter so you can afford everything.

Art Scroll 3

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (3)

Once in chapter 2, the player will pass through an area with rolling boulders. The page after these boulders will have a large lake, and to the right of this lake will be an Art Scroll behind some bushes and trees.

Art Scroll 4

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (4)

You will meet Martina again before reaching the next village in chapter 2. This will be after you have helped the giant cat NPC get his biscuits.

Art Scroll 5

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (5)

As you progress through the game, following the road, you will enter a night-time area and see “There was a strange electricity in the air” written on the ground. Go left and hit the tree to the left of the felled tree. The Art Scroll will fall out of it.

Art Scroll ​​​​​​​6

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (6)

You will meet Martina again near a broken bridge. She will clearly be on-screen before you are able to progress to the next page.

Art Scroll ​​​​​​​7

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (7)

Progress until you find an area with numerous stacks of books. You will need to make a bridge from scattered papers to progress to the next area, but before you do, head to the leftmost corner of this area to see an art scroll next to some bushes.

Art Scroll ​​​​​​​8

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (8)

During Chapter 3, once you arrive outside Moonbeard’s house, look to the top right, and you will see an Art Scroll behind a tree.

Art Scroll ​​​​​​​9

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (9)

Also, during Chapter 3, leave the book and head to the top left corner of the desk. Here you will find a diagonal white bridge with black spots. Follow the path right, and you will find the Art Scroll to the right of the wooden ruler.

Art Scroll 10

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (10)

During Chapter 4, after the huge bug puzzle, you will walk along a very linear pathway which passes past Martina. Buy the Art Scroll from her.

Art Scroll 11

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (11)

You will encounter a puzzle that involves switching between night and day. On the far left side of this area, there will be an island. Hit the northernmost tree of this island.

Art Scroll 12

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (12)

Keep the game progressing until you come to a cave. Drop out of the book and then go to the portal at the top of the second page. Head right, and you will find a hidden area in the wall with the Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 13

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (13)

You will need to leave the book in search of a bow. When you do, head right and you will find Minibeard. To the right of Minibeard is a block that you can pull left to grab the Art Scroll on the other side.

Art Scroll 14

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (14)

Keep progressing, and you will find a black diagonal bridge with white zigzags on it. The Art Scroll is to its right.

Art Scroll 15

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (15)

Bought from Martina in Snail Town.

Art Scroll 16

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (16)

You will need to go rescue Violet and Thrash after they have been kidnapped by a boss character. While heading east, you will see a single elderly snail. Hit the tree near the path you came from to get an Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 17

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You will get the next Art Scroll by collecting all the missing pigs. This is story-related and cannot be missed, so focus on the next Art Scrolls, and this will come as you progress.

Art Scroll 18

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Once you get to Chapter 5, you will be in Artia. You will find an Art Scroll in the bottom left house of the city.

Art Scroll 19

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (18)

Bought from Martina in Artia.

Art Scroll 20

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (19)

Leave Artia and run upwards on the desk to find Minibeard. Head right and follow the wall at the top to find some tape in the shape of a ring. Jump through this ring and head right to find a tube. The Art Scroll is inside this tube.

Art Scroll 21

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (20)

Backtrack to Minibeard and go up the slope next to the “Hey!” sticker. Jump onto the Rubix Cube and jump along the paint containers. Drop from the block with the googly eyes on it. Walk up the book with “Grant Pek” on its bottom and turn right. You will find the Art Scroll by some cards here.

Art Scroll ​​​​​​​22

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (22)

On the way to meet the queen, head to the far right of the castle to find the Art Scroll behind a thumbtack-looking structure.

Art Scroll 23

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (23)

You will now be in Chapter 6. You will use a new mechanic to launch yourself to different parts of the map. Once you launch to the top left corner of the area, hit the tree next to the star to have it drop an Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 24

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (24)

This Art Scroll can be bought from Martina after crossing a zigzag bridge. She will be to the left of an NPC asking for a Bunny Pass in order to progress the story.

Art Scroll 25

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (25)

You will find a dark page on the book with a portal on the top and some stairs to the bottom left. Go through the portal and head to the bottom right instead to find an Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 26

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (26)

You will get your hands on a jetpack and find several signs with red arrows. Follow these signs until you find Minibeard. Jump up onto the green blocks to the left of Minibeard and then up to the platform above them. Hit the tree and pick up the Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 27

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (27)

Once you have obtained all the pieces for the goal at hand, you will need to head to a specific portal. However, above the source of this portal will be a globe at the top. The Art Scroll is on top of this globe.

Art Scroll 28

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (28)

You will be asked to light some birthday candles. Jump into the mug with the NPC requesting this to get the Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 29

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (29)

Shortly after encountering Grozz, you will head underground. There will be footprints on the ground of the first page. Walk along these footprints, and you will move into the Art Scroll while following them behind a pillar.

Art Scroll 30

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (30)

Bought from Martina near the end of the chapter. There will be a large group of partying Rock Bunnies to the left.

Art Scroll 31

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (31)

Bought from Martina in Chapter 7. Just follow the road and you will pass her.

Art Scroll 32

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (32)

Tumba will be part of your group during this chapter, and they will comment on needing to go a certain direction. Once you head in this direction, dispatch the enemies and look in the top left for a prompt to make Tumba dig. He will dig up the Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 33

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (33)

You will need to find some mosquitoes in amber while outside the book. One of them will have you jump into a portal with sand and cacti. Keep heading right past the mosquito to find the Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 34

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (34)

You will find yourself on a dinosaur that asks you to dispatch the enemies on it. Once done, a portal will appear on the dinosaur. Before healing, head to the dinosaur’s foot to find an Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 35

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (35)

After the dinosaur, continue on the path to find Minibeard. Head to the far right of the diorama he is next to. Here you will find an Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 36

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (36)

You will need to use the Bomb Stamp to take out some tanks. On the same page is a cube you can destroy to get an Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 37

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (37)

Use the bomb stamp and some crates to reach the end of a cave. There is a hidden section just before leaving. If you do leave the cave, head back and go into this hidden section.

Art Scroll 38

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (38)

Bought from Martina on an island. Jump to this island before using the launch to get over the wall. If you get over the wall, launch back and then to Martina.

Art Scroll 39

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (39)

In Chapter 8, you will find several fires in the book. Go to the far left one, and you will find an Art Scroll behind it.

Art Scroll 40

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (40)

Found in the top right building at Artia.

Art Scroll 41

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (41)

Leave the book through the portal at the bottom left side. Head to the far right of the desk, and you will find an Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 42

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Progress until you see “Oh Dear. A complete and utter dead end” in Chapter 9. Take the right path at this dead end.

Art Scroll 43

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While exploring the desk for your lost items, you will pick up your Tilt Gauntlets. The Art Scroll can be found to the right of where you get them.

Art Scroll 44

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (44)

While making your way back to the book, you will find some yellow signs with red arrows. When you come to the sign that is pointing left, go forward instead. You will find an archway with the Art Scroll inside.


Art Scroll 45

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Follow these same signs until you find a birthday card with “You’re 10” on it. Hug the wall on the left of this card downward, and you will find some trees you can cut. Follow this path to the Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 46

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Smash the bust of Humgrump using the “Broken” word that you will get during the Two Large Metal Crates puzzle.

Art Scroll 47

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To the left of the “This was really just too much” text will be Martina. This Art Scroll can be bought from her.

Art Scroll 48

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (48)

Players will find a pipe infused with metamagic. This pipe can be transferred from each side of the book. On the left side will be a large black crate. Use the Bomb Stamp on this black crate while out of the book to reveal an Art Scroll to pick up once back inside the book.

Art Scroll 49

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (49)

This Art Scroll can be bought from Martina. Players will pass her through a linear corridor.

Art Scroll 50

The Plucky Squire All Art Scrolls (50)

After hearing the story of the origin of Humgrump’s logo, head to the far right and hit the second last tree for it to drop the final Art Scroll.


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