The newest anime from the pages of Shonen Jump is Undead Unluck, a story surrounding a group of people who have unique powers that negate the rules around them. The anime has just begun airing, yet fans are already eagerly waiting to see what new powers are waiting for them in the coming episodes.

Most interesting is the existence of Union, an exclusive group of Negators that attempted to hunt down the main characters Andy and Fuuko. While many of the Negators have yet to be revealed in the anime, it’s a sure bet that many of them are incredibly powerful.

Updated February 18, 2024, by Danny Guan: The Union has had a variety of negators in their roster, each one with their own unique powers and abilities. Due to the Round Table’s limited seating, the Union is unable to recruit negators endlessly, meaning they must pick and choose those who have the most powerful and useful abilities to further the cause. Here are some more negators who are members of the Union, whether past or future.


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13 Nico Vorgeil

Negator Ability: Unforgettable

Nico Vorgeil Unforgettable

Nico is the resident scientist of the Union, and one of the oldest members as well, to the point that he has an adult daughter working with him in his lab. He is responsible for much of the advanced technology that the Union uses, such as Tatiana’s containment suit and the translator necktie that negators use to speak to anyone in any language.

Nico’s negator ability is Unforgettable, negating his ability to forget anything after its manifestation. He remembers even the smallest of details, and the weight of those memories places a huge burden on his brain. He can even replicate fighting styles he has seen, which gives him a slight edge in combat, but his ability is mostly one where its value is in its utility rather than its strength.

12 Chikara Shigeno

Negator Ability: Unmove

Chikara Shigeno Unmove

Chikara was a normal high school student, but when his status as a negator was exposed, he was kidnapped and taken to a cruise ship to be auctioned. He was saved by Andy and Fuuko, and joined the Union to show his gratitude. As the most normal member of the Union, he is flustered by the massive burden being a member of the Union places on him.

Chikara’s negator ability is Unmove, which allows him to negate the movements of anything in his field of vision. However, he must remain motionless as well, meaning it is difficult for him to fully realize the usefulness of his power on his own. His cowardly nature also makes using his power difficult at times, but he soon learns to control his abilities , making him an incredibly useful supporting fighter.

11 Phil Hawkins

Negator Ability: Unfeel

Phil Hawkins Unfeel

Phil Hawkins is easily the most mysterious member of the cast. Very little is known about how he came to the Union or why he became a member, and it would be a long time before his backstory would finally be addressed in the manga.

Phil’s negator ability is Unfeel, which allows him to negate his own feelings, whether emotional or physical. This allows him to use Artifacts without having to worry about the aftereffects, such as the mental strain from transferred memories. With a body made entirely of Artifacts, this makes Phil an incredibly unique aspect to the Union.

10 Void Volks

Negator Ability: Unavoidable

Void Undead Unluck

A former boxer, not much was initially known about Void, due to his appearance being covered up by his massive mechanical suit. Though he posed a threat to Andy and Fuuko in his first appearance, he was ultimately killed by Andy, who was aiming to steal his seat.

Despite his short appearance, Void had an incredibly powerful negator power that made him a deadly foe. Unavoidable made his targets unable to move whenever he assumed an attack stance, making it impossible for them to dodge his attacks.

9 Top Bull Sparx

Negator Ability: Unstoppable

Top Bull Sparx Unstoppable

Top Bull Sparx is one of the younger members of Union, being a teenager who lived in Brazil before becoming a member. A former sprinter, a dark tragedy from his past made him much more mature than someone his age would normally be.

Top’s Negator ability is Unstoppable, which allows him to run at breakneck speeds. He can utilize the speed to give him stronger kicks and jumps, but it takes a violent force to get him to stop. Top is a versatile ally for the other Union members who can use his ability to support others or fight on his own.

8 Isshin/Haruka Yamaoka

Negator Ability: Unbreakable

Isshin Undead Unluck-2

Isshin is the inherited title of the Yamaoka family, with the current holder being the shy Haruka, who hides within her massive armor and rarely ever speaks. When she’s inside her armor, however, she cuts an imposing presence.

Isshin’s ability is Unbreakable, which allows her to create objects that cannot be broken no matter how much damage they take. Andy’s katana is one such item created using this ability. Isshin can also use this power on the earth, creating impromptu barriers that can’t be broken by any impact.

7 Tatiana

Negator Ability: Untouchable

Tatiana Undead Unluck

Tatiana’s initial appearance of a large floating ball belies her true nature as a young girl. The ball armor serves as a source of protection for her, and Tatiana can use its technology to grab things with arms and fire lasers.


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Her Negator ability is Untouchable, which creates a barrier that destroys anything near her. The barrier can be expanded far enough to wipe out an entire town, and the armor serves to keep it from getting out of control.

6 Fuuko Izumo

Negator Ability: Unluck

Fuuko Undead Unluck

Fuuko is the main character of the series, someone who has been constantly cursed by her power. Her negator ability, Unluck, bestows misfortune on anyone she touches, with the degree of misfortune increasing depending on how much she likes them.

Unluck generally works by drawing in objects from afar and causing them to collide with the target. While at its weakest, Unluck can manage minor injuries, at its strongest it can cause meteorites to fall from the sky.

5 Gena Chamber

Negator Ability: Unchange

Gena Undead Unluck

Gena Chamber is a long-standing member of Union, having been a member for at least fifty years. However, that isn’t shown in her appearance, which still gives off the look of a teenage girl.

Gena’s ability is Unchange, which allows her to keep an object from changing its state. She can use this to walk on water or create barriers from air. Gena also uses this power to keep her makeup from flaking off, since she cannot use this power on her own body or any living thing.

4 Shen Xiang

Negator Ability: Untruth

Shen Undead Unluck

Shen Xiang is a jovial young man with a penchant for making jokes. He is a master martial artist, making him a threat who can fight against dangerous enemies even without using his ability.


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Shen’s negator ability is Untruth, which forces his targets to do the opposite of what they were planning to do. Shen can only use this power on people he likes, and he must keep them within his field of vision.

3 Andy

Negator Ability: Undead

Andy Undead Unluck

The nameless Undead (nicknamed Andy by Fuuko) is one of the main characters of the series. He has been alive for centuries and has been searching for a way to finally die. He plans on using Fuuko’s power as a way to achieve that death.

Andy’s ability Undead allows him to regenerate from any injury, making him immortal. Though this power alone is incredible, what really makes it powerful is Andy’s mastery over the power, giving him a versatility most other powers might not have.

2 Juiz

Negator Ability: Unjustice

Juiz Undead Unluck

Juiz is the mysterious leader of the Union, cutting an imposing figure in her military uniform and visored helmet. Though the negators in Union are often troublemakers, they quickly get in line when Juiz issues a command.

Juiz’s negator ability is Unjustice, which allows her to control the actions of others. She can only use this power when her eyes are uncovered, which is why she normally goes around wearing a mask. This power is strong enough to destroy entire armies without her ever lifting a finger.

1 Billy Alfred

Negator Ability: Unfair

Billy Alfred

Billy Alfred is one of the most enigmatic members of the Union. Though initially friendly, Billy reveals himself to be a traitor, having lied not only about his goals, but also his negator ability.

Though he claims his ability is Unbelievable, his true ability is Unfair, which allows him to copy the powers of other negators he sees as strong. Combined with his knowledge of combat and marksmanship skills, this makes him one of the strongest members of the Union.


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