Valorant, just like other competitive first-person shooters, has a systematic ranking system. The ranking system consists of multiple ranks with 3 tiers each. Among these ranks, the silver rank is the most common among the players. The majority of the players belong to this rank and grind to move out from the “Silver Elo hell.”


Valorant: Pro Tips For Agent Clove

Valorant’s recent update saw the introduction of a new Controller named Clove. Here is everything you need to know to master their skillset.

There are multiple reasons for this. For example, lack of comprehensive knowledge of game mechanics, subpar raw aiming skills, and underutilization of agents’ abilities. Valorant is different than the generic 5v5 FPS where raw aim skills are on high priority. In this game, players have to boast about the interplay of raw aim as well as the right agent and utilize abilities to their fullest. Here are some agents that will help players evade the silver rank and reach a new high in Valorant.

7 Phoenix

Role: Duelist

Pheonix In Valorant

Signature ability

Hot Hands

Ultimate ability

Run It Back

Ultimate cost


Phoenix is a “jack of all trades” type of agent in Valorant. He has a molly, Hot Hands, which can deal a decent amount of damage to enemies. Phoenix can also use Hot Hands to heal himself for some chunk of HP. His flashes are much harder to dodge in the lower leagues, and it is easier to find them off-guard. His Blaze, the wall of fire, has its uses such as blocking to make a way or healing himself.


Valorant: The Best Agents For New Players

Valorant is a game with a steep learning curve, and it can be difficult for new players to pick an agent immediately.

With his Run It Back ultimate ability, he can take an aggressive approach and enter the sites or mid-area to duel with enemies and do scouting for potential traps. Phoenix is great for players who want to duelist but cannot use complicated and hard-to-use things such as Jett or Raze.

6 Sage

Role: Sentinel

Sage In Valorant

Signature ability

Healing Orb

Ultimate ability


Ultimate cost


Sage is a subpar agent in Valorant and probably sits at the bottom of the Sentinel class. However, her kit is most apt for the lower ranks of the game. She can fix the mistakes made by players or their teammates. The Healing Orb ability can heal a teammate to a full 100 HP.

Sage’s ultimate, Resurrection, revives a fallen-down teammate and can be very clutch in turning rounds in their favor. In addition, her other abilities, the Barrier Orb, and Slow Orb, can block entry points and slow down the push when used in proper synergy.

5 Gekko

Role: Initiator

Gekko In Valorant

Signature ability


Ultimate ability


Ultimate cost


Gekko is the most unique agent in Valorant. He can reuse all of his abilities after picking them up except for Mosh Pit, a molly that deals damage and causes immediate death after a few seconds. Gekko’s Dizzy ability can blind people (maximum of 30) in her sight after a short winding time. It is much harder to dodge and can’t be dodged unless enemies shoot it down.


Valorant: Best Team Compositions Based On Maps

Need a solid team for that next game of Valorant? These compositions will knock the enemy’s socks off!

His Wingman is his best buddy who works like Raze’s Boombot, who follows enemies if they come in its line of sight and stuns them. In addition to that, Wingman can also plant Spike. Gekko can also detain enemies with his ultimate, Thrash, which has similar mechanics as Skye’s Trailblazer.

4 Brimstone

Role: Controller

Brimstone In Valorant

Signature ability

Sky Smoke

Ultimate ability

Orbital Strike

Ultimate cost


Brimstone is one of the most beginner-friendly agents in Valorant. In the lower leagues, the majority of players are reluctant to play control agents. In such cases, Brimstone is the perfect agent to fill in without even being the controller-main. His Sky Smokes, unlike the smoke of other agents, are not hollow and slightly wider. In addition, these are much easier to place.


Valorant: 10 Tips For Playing As Agent Brimstone

Brimstone is one of the most useful Agents in Valorant, but you need to make use of these tips!

Brimstone’s Stim Beacon enhances the firing rate and movement speed, helping fast execution of the site. His Incendiary molly has the longest duration, which helps in posting plants and holding off angles. His ultimate, Orbital Strike, is very straightforward to use. Players just have to select the area and detonate.

3 Killjoy

Role: Sentinel

Killjoy In Valorant

Signature ability


Ultimate ability


Ultimate points


Killjoy is unarguably the best Sentinel agent who can hold down the site on her own. But the best thing about KJ is that she is much easier to play and Silver League players can easily get the hang of using her. The combination of Nanoswarms and Alarmbot is deadly and can easily melt enemies.

In the lower leagues, players like fast-paced site execution, and this combo can slow them down. Her Turret is great for watching flanks and distracting enemies. Finally, the Lockdown ultimate ability is best for retaking sites or holding them down while enemies have to wait before approaching.

2 Sova

Role: Initiator

Sova In Valorant

Signature ability

Recon Bolt

Ultimate ability

Hunter’s Fury

Ultimate cost


Sova is such an agent that even new players can use it in the team comp and provides value even at the highest level of the play. He is easier to play and has a much higher skill ceiling. Till Silver League, players are very aware of the gaming mechanics and can adapt the skills of Sova at a lot of proficiency. His Recon Bolt and Owl Drone are great for scouting the sites and areas to check for enemies. This information is crucial to deciding whether to push the area or use a more passive approach.


Valorant: 10 Tips For Playing As Agent Sova

The Valorant closed beta currently has ten different characters to choose from, and Initiator Sova is a solid choice.

On top of that, Sova is also equipped with some of the best offensive abilities. His Shock Bolts are great for flushing out enemies from multiple angles. His ultimate, Hunter’s Fury, is great for post-plant and clearing wide areas while executing the site.

1 Reyna

Role: Duelist

Reyna In Valorant

Signature ability

Devour, Dismiss

Ultimate ability


Ultimate cost


Reyna is truly a demon in the right hands in the lower ranks. Reyna has a leer ability which nearsights the players. Since it is a breakable ability, players usually go for shooting the Leer eye. A perfectly placed Leer makes players either take cover to avoid it or disrupt their crosshair placement, which gives Reyna players an advantage.

In addition, Her Devour and Dismiss abilities make Reyna sustain longer in the rounds by utilizing soul orbs after killing enemy players. Devour lets Reyna heal herself after fragging out. With Dismiss, Reyna can move out from a sticky position after out-dueling an enemy. Now comes the crème de la crème, her ult Empress. It lets her use soul orbs unlimited time which means she can use her Dismiss and Devour ability multiple times. In addition, it gives her an enhanced firing rate, making her more lethal.

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