Describe Your Job Like It Was An Upcoming Game Release

Alongside a trailer, the excerpts people read about upcoming games can be a significant influence on whether they decide to purchase the game or not. With that in mind, game developers need to make their project sound as enticing as possible and make even the most mundane facets of the game sound thrilling. If you had to do that to describe your job, what would your excerpt say?

What’s The Funniest Game Glitch/Bug You’ve Seen?

Even the most polished games on the market can fall victim to the occasional pest, and while it can be incredibly frustrating for players, it can also produce some oddly hilarious and unexpected moments. Whether it’s NPC’s getting stuck in walls or trees, characters endlessly falling into the abyss, or a ferocious boss doing something out of character, bugs and glitches can be the catalyst for some true comedic gems.

Would You Like To See The Boys Made Into To A Video Game?

Amazon’s hit show The Boys has a thrilling narrative wrapped up in a gory, confronting, and, at times, simply outrageous package, something that would greatly appeal to many members of the gaming community. With the show’s main antagonist, Homelander, making an appearance in Mortal Kombat 1, many players have expressed a desire to see the show turned into a video game. If it were to come to that, there would be a multitude of possibilities on which direction the game would go. Hypothetically, players could create their own Supe and playthrough a unique story, or it could easily be an iteration of the popular show where players take control of its colorful cast in an attempt to bring an end to Homelander’s tyranny.

Who’s a Video Game Boss You Didn’t Want to Beat?

It’s not unusual to see an antagonist in a narrative-driven game have some form of connection with the main character, with some bosses having a tighter bond than others. These bonds can sometimes draw up some emotional interactions and leave the character, and the player in control of them, reluctant to land the final blow.

What Are Your Thoughts On A Potential Handheld Xbox Console?

Phil Spencer has clearly been keeping a close eye on the success of popular handhelds like the Nintendo Switch and Steam Deck, having started fresh rumors that Microsoft’s gaming giant are also looking for a more compact gaming experience for it’s player base. With the market already being dominated by the current selection of handheld devices, it begs the question of whether Xbox can break through and make it a success, should they go down that road.


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