In World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Discovery, every class can play the DPS role in group content, but not all of them are destined to top the damage charts. Every SoD class got some DPS Runes in Phase One, and just about every spec is more powerful than in Vanilla, but some of the best DPS classes in SoD are just on another level.


WoW Season of Discovery – What Class Should You Play?

All nine classes in World of Warcraft Classic got major updates in the Season of Discovery – but which class should you play in SoD?

While every Healing and Tank spec in WoW Classic: SoD can be effective at endgame (when played effectively), even the best players will struggle to compete with the damage output of the best SoD DPS classes. Though this guide to the best SoD DPS classes does take into account the leveling process, each class’ placement is ultimately based on its endgame DPS in BFD and other group content.


Good For Leveling, Terrible DPS At Phase 1 Endgame

Shamans are a class that’s in a bit of a weird spot in the Season of Discovery. Its newfound strength in Tanking, thanks to new Runes, starkly contrasts the class’ lackluster healing and DPS output.

Though Enhancement and Elemental Shamans have a few new spells to work with, they have an incredibly hard time pulling comparable DPS at endgame, according to the first few weeks’ DPS logs. Until Phase Two, Shamans should avoid grouping up as a DPS at endgame and instead consider trying the Offhealer or main Tank roles instead.


Shadow Priests Have Many Issues, But Will Improve In Phase 2

WoW SoD Best DPS Tank Healer Classes Priest

Shadow Priests are one of the coolest-looking classes in WoW, but in the first Phase of the Season of Discovery, this spec just doesn’t have what it needs to be powerful. For one, Shadow Priests seem to run out of mana faster than just about any other caster DPS. For another, Shadow Priests don’t have Shadowform until Level 40.

Shadowform is an immense jump in power for Shadow Priests, and is the final Talent in the Shadow Tree itself. But until Phase Two, Homonculi, Mind Sear, and Deadly Plague won’t be enough to keep the spec at the top of the DPS charts.


Feral Is Great, When Played Right – And It Brings Wild Strikes

WoW SoD Best DPS Tank Healer Classes Druid

Druids are, like Shamans, in a bit of a weird place when it comes to the best DPS in SoD. Feral Druids are very powerful, while Balance Druids don’t feel nearly as powerful as they should. This mirrors the vanilla WoW experience for Druids, but with one important caveat: Feral is practically always better than Balance for group content because of Wild Strikes.


WoW Season of Discovery: How To Get Wild Strikes (Druid Rune)

Druids get the Windfury ability through the Wild Strikes Rune in WoW SoD, and to get it, Horde and Alliance Druids go to the same place.

Wild Strikes is a new Druid Rune that gives the class the Windfury ability, arguably the most powerful group buff for melee DPS in WoW. The Alliance has never been able to use Windfury, a typically Shaman ability, but Druids can only use this Rune when in their shapeshifted form. Stick with Feral for the best Druid DPS in SoD, until later phases modify the strength of Balance at least.


Retribution Isn’t Bad, But It Doesn’t Top Meters

WoW SoD Best DPS Tank Healer Classes Paladin

Paladins top meters with two of their three possible group specs: Healing and Tanking. Paladin Healers are second only to Priests in their ability to support, while Paladin Tanks are arguably the best choice for Tanking in Phase 1. However, Paladins disappoint a little bit with their primary DPS spec, Retribution.

Retribution Paladins get lots of new fun tools to play with, like an instant Exorcism and the Seal of Martyrdom. But compared to other melee DPS in SoD, they fall about middle of the pack. Retribution Paladins are by no means bad in the Season of Discovery, but their DPS output just doesn’t compare to that of a Rogue or Warrior.


Amazing Soloers, But Mostly Utility For Groups

WoW SoD Best DPS Tank Healer Classes Warlock

Mages are amazing at a few things, and not so amazing at others. The class offers arguably the best utility for groups with its ability to create Portals and summon food and water for free. It’s also great at soloing and AoE farming thanks to its powerful AoE spells, the slow/freeze effects of the Frost tree, and a host of new powerful Runes – plus they can heal now, too.

Where Mages fall behind a little bit is in endgame group content like BFD. Played well, Mages can top the DPS meters, especially if Tanks pull lots of trash mobs at once. But on single-target boss fights, Mages can easily run out of mana as they blast through a resource-intensive rotation.

Like Paladins, Mage DPS are by no means bad, but their relatively niche strengths can be a pitfall for single-target content.


Avoid Affliction – Destruction Is Way Better In Phase One

WoW SoD Best Tank Classes Ranked Metamorphosis Warlock Season of Discovery World of Warcraft

Warlocks are arguably the best caster DPS in SoD, but like Druids, players are offered no choice if they want to actually provide meaningful damage at endgame. This is because the Affliction tree is one of the worst DPS specs in Phase 1 SoD, but the Destruction playstyle is arguably one of its best.


WoW Season of Discovery: How To Get Metamorphosis (Warlock Rune)

The Metamorphosis Rune is the Rune that enables Warlocks to Tank in SoD, but getting it can be a bit of a tedious process.

Destruction gets some incredibly powerful abilities through its Phase 1 Runes, like Lake of Fire and Incinerate. Affliction gets Haunt, which is great for solo open world questing, but otherwise its offerings are pretty lackluster. Choose Destruction if you want to commit to the best caster class in SoD – and while it’s relevant, be sure to check out its equally powerful new Tanking Runes, too.


Great Endgame DPS, But Extremely Gear-Reliant

WoW SoD Best DPS Tank Healer Classes Warrior

Warriors, like Rogues, can be very difficult to level because their abilities tend to be tied to the strength of equipped weapons. As a Warrior’s gear gets better (and as they acquire more Runes) so too does their DPS output. Stick with this class through to 25, upgrade your gear, and suddenly you’ll be a regular at the top of the DPS charts (as long as you press buttons).

It’s a close choice between the Fury and Arms specs for DPS Warriors in SoD, and it mostly comes down to personal preference. In later phases, Warriors’ Talent trees and skill selections will become much more impactful.


Difficult To Level, But Arguably The Best BFD Melee DPS

WoW SoD Best DPS Tank Healer Classes Rogue

Warriors and Rogues are just about tied for the best melee DPS in SoD, but Warriors fall behind Rogues for one important reason: Rogues have Kick and, to a lesser extent, stuns like Gouge and Between The Eyes. Warriors can get Pummel in Phase 2, but otherwise they are without a way to stun or interrupt opponents in Phase 1.

Rogues are also gear-dependent, but not quite as much as Warriors are. Their ability to interrupt and CC enemies is useful for group content, and its unique new ability to Tank is something every player should try before the Season comes to an end. Though the class suffers in PvP, and requires lots of complex interactions to play effectively, Rogues are the best melee DPS for BFD by a long way.


The Best DPS For All Content Types – Especially PvP

WoW SoD Best DPS Tank Healer Classes Hunter

Though Rogues may be the best melee DPS, and Warlocks the best casters in WoW SoD, the best overall ranged DPS is the Hunter. Funnily enough, though, Hunters themselves haven’t changed altogether too much from vanilla WoW. What’s truly changed is the power of their pets.

Hunter Runes give the class abilities that turn what used to be relatively annoying combat companions into one-beast-armies. Hunter Pets are powerful enough to solo players, and when managed correctly in dungeons, can propel Hunters to the top of the DPS charts. Hunters have a reputation for being played by bad players, but when this class is played effectively (and with its new Blessing of Kings Rune), it’s unmatched. Hunters especially thrive in PvP in Phase One, so head into WSG to take advantage of their place in the meta and farm some Honor.

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World of Warcraft
November 23, 2004

T for Teen: Blood and Gore, Crude Humor, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol, Violence (online interactions not rated)


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