The Frox is a new type of enemy in Tears of the Kingdom, but you won’t find them on the surface of Hyrule. These gigantic beasts roam The Depths, and despite their intimidating size, they’re not too difficult to beat if you know what you’re doing. Like every other monster in Tears of the Kingdom, there are different types of Frox monsters. Thus, the monster parts they drop upon defeat will vary from Frox to Frox. If you plan on upgrading your armor, you might need to farm some Obsidian Frox Fangs.


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Where to Find Obsidian Frox

Obsidian Frox Fixed Locations in The Depths

legend of zelda - tears of the kingdom: obsidian frox in The Depths

The Obsidian Frog has two fixed spawns in The Depths. You’ll find one at (4133, 1034, -0649), south of the Kawikatisar Lightroot, and the other is at (2502, 0900, -0501), near the Anonisik Light Root. Refer to the skull stamp on the images below for their exact location.

If you’re looking elsewhere in the Eldin Canyon (Depths), you can verify if the Frox is an Obsidian Frox by using your Camera.

How to Defeat Obsidian Frox

Break the Ore Deposits

Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - Obsidian Frox

If you’re used to fighting Stone Talus monsters, then you won’t have an issue with a Frox. The way to defeat them is to break the ore deposits on their back. Of course, the Obsidian Frox is the strongest of its species, so it’ll have more HP than your average Frox. The one challenge Froxes may provide over Stone Taluses is their speed. They’re not blinding fast, but they’re faster than the Taluses, capable of leaping into the air and slamming into the ground.

When you’re fighting an Obsidian Frox, they may try to inhale Link. You can avoid being the Frox’s next meal by sprinting away, but you can also toss in a bomb flower. The Frox will then eat the bomb, causing it to explode. This will leave it temporarily stunned, which you can then take the opportunity to climb up its back and start whacking away at the ore deposits.

If you’re still on the Frox’s back when it recovers from the bomb, it’ll launch you into the air. If this happens, open your paraglider to slow your fall. Alternatively, you can use the paraglider and maneuver Link over the Frox’s head. Sometimes, the Frox will look up and open its mouth, giving you the perfect opportunity to fire a bomb-fused arrow. This will stun the Frox again, leaving it open to more attacks.

Finally, while not a requirement, it’s recommended to have a blunt weapon, such as a hammer. Any weapons you use to mine ore deposits can come in handy when battling a Frox, as it’ll do more damage than a regular sword/lance.


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Where to Use Obsidian Frox Fang

Fusion & Armor Upgrades

loz totk depths armor upgrade great fairy

Obsidian Frox Fangs have a Fuse Power of 24, meaning they’ll add 24 damage to a Fused Weapon or arrow. Fusing an Obsidian Frox Fang will give the weapon a blunt edge, making it ideal for breaking enemy armor or fighting enemies like Stone Taluses or, of course, a Frox.

However, since Obsidian Frox Fangs are rather rare, it’s better if you save them for upgrading your armor. You’re likely to find monster parts that have a higher Fuse Power than the Obsidian Frox Fang. If you intend on using Obsidian Frox Fangs for armor, you’ll be glad to know that there’s only one armor set that requires Obsidian Frox Fangs.

The Depths Armor Set requires Obsidian Frox Fangs for its level 3 upgrade. You can get all pieces of the Depths Armor Set by finding all the Poe Statues in The Depths and the one at Lookout Landing.

You’ll need this amount of Obsidian Frox Fangs to upgrade your armor:


Materials Required


Hood of the Depths


  • x3 Obsidian Frox Fang
  • x3 Frox Fingernail
  • x20 Zonaite

200 Rupees

Tunic of the Depths


  • x3 Obsidian Frox Fang
  • x3 Frox Fingernail
  • x20 Zonaite

200 Rupees

Gaiters of the Depths


  • x3 Obsidian Frox Fang
  • x3 Frox Fingernail
  • x20 Zonaite

200 Rupees

You’ll unlock the Depths Armor Set Bonus when you upgrade each piece (i.e: Tunic, Hood, Gaiters) to level 2. The Depths Armor Set Bonus provides you with “gloom attack resistance.” However, if you want to strengthen your Depths Armor, then you’ll need the Obsidian Frox Fangs and other required materials for level 3.

Each piece of armor in the Depths Armor Set has a total of 20 Defense at level 4/max level. While it’s not bad, other armor goes beyond 20 Defense, such as the Champion’s Leathers, Ancient Hero’s Armor, and the Armor of the Wild Set.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
May 12, 2023


Rated E for Everyone 10+ for Fantasy Violence and Mild Suggestive Themes


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