
  • 7 Days to Die’s stealth triggers force players into combat, making stealth builds a hit-or-miss playstyle.
  • While stealth builds are overpowered in some moments, the triggers prevent imbalance in the game’s difficulty curve.
  • Stealth triggers help maintain the element of horror in the late game, balancing player power with zombie swarms.

7 Days to Die is a brutal survival game where players will need to make use of increasingly advanced gear to fight an ever-growing zombie threat. Typically, any of the different skill specializations and weapon types in 7 Days to Die are a worthy investment, although stealth builds, in particular, come with a major downside that can make or break this type of playstyle.

Throughout the many updates for 7 Days to Die since its initial release in early access in 2013, one design element has emerged that has proven to be highly divisive among fans of the game. Specifically, the stealth triggers throughout the points of interest in 7 Days to Die that force players into combat can be quite controversial, although there’s a fair argument on both sides justifying the existence of this feature in the game.


Why Now is a Great Time to Start Playing 7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die is about to get big updates and changes, making now the perfect time to start playing.

7 Days to Die’s Stealth Triggers Are Make or Break for Stealth Builds

Combat at the beginning of the game is very unforgiving since players typically won’t have any healing items to cure the status effects that can be acquired while fighting zombies, and some of these afflictions can eventually become fatal. So this is where stealth comes into play, considering that even without any investment in any stealth-related skill points in 7 Days to Die, using a primitive bow and basic stone arrows while sneaking can consistently kill most zombies with one well-placed shot.

Even in the middle and late game stages of 7 Days to Die, stealth is a great way to get the upper hand in combat for both PvE and PvP encounters. However, there are inevitable moments in the game where stealth won’t be useful. Every POI in 7 Days to Die has at least one stealth trigger in the final room where players can find the main loot chests. Upon entering this room and approaching the loot chests, regardless of how stealthy the player is, a handful of zombies will immediately become aware of the player, causing any advantage players would have gained from sneaking to become useless.

Some of the larger POIs in
7 Days to Die
often have multiple stealth triggers, as well as environmental traps.

Because of these inevitable combat triggers, stealth can be very hit-or-miss. While it still has its strengths, the weaknesses of stealth build in 7 Days to Die generally make it a lackluster playstyle to invest in, compared to some of the more universally viable playstyles. With players limited in the number of skill points and crafting recipes they have access to, this negative is an important factor to consider before investing in a stealth build.

7 Days to Die’s Stealth Triggers Keep the Difficulty and Element of Horror Alive in the Endgame

In the moments where stealth is a viable option, Stealth builds in 7 Days to Die are arguably overpowered, so if not for these surprise moments that force players into combat, the game’s PvE difficulty curve could become nonexistent for players using stealth builds. For better or worse, stealth triggers are an indirect way to prevent players from investing in a stealth build at the beginning of the game and then jumping into POIs and quests from the traders in 7 Days to Die that typically require late-game gear and builds to complete.

Aside from how they affect the game’s overall balancing, these stealth triggers can also help to keep the element of horror alive throughout the game, which is especially important for the late stages of the game where players are equipped with guns, armor, and vehicles. Even with all of this gear and playing cautiously, at a moment’s notice players can still get swarmed by zombies in 7 Days to Die in an enclosed environment, which is arguably a good thing for balancing.


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