Fantasy worlds are always home to a myriad of different creatures. Most often there are various fictional animals, humanoids, aliens, and overall, just a whole load of beings. Baldur’s Gate 3 is no different, of course, being set in the world of Dungeons and Dragonsa there are a vast array of entities for players to interact with.


Baldur’s Gate 3: Hardest Bosses In The Game

Baldur’s Gate 3 has some scarily challenging boss fights. For these threats, players should be prepared and have their tactics honed.

As is natural, there are different sizes and shapes of the various creatures, some being massive, and others being tiny. And in a game where every choice can be important, large creatures very easily connote danger. Most big creatures will be the more challenging enemies for players, either probably bosses, or adversaries that can prove difficult for one reason or another.

12 Owlbear

Explicitly Stated To Be A Heavy Creature

Baldur's Gate 3 Owlbear acting hostile towards player

  • Encountered in Act One.
  • Found in the Owlbear Nest.

Within the fantasy world of Dungeons and Dragons there are a vast number of unique and mythical creatures. The Owlbear is one such creature, with its name stating the being’s mix of owl and bear.

Baldur’s Gate 3 offers players the chance to adopt an owlbear cub in Act One. The cub’s mother is the only natural owlbear found in the wild, with the game stating it is a heavy animal, and quite clearly possesses a massive frame. Druids can also turn into owlbears via their Wild Shape ability.

11 Slayer

A Terrifyingly Large Creature

Baldur's Gate 3 Slayer toward the viewer

  • Can first be encountered in Act Two as The Dark Urge and also in Act Three.
  • Found wherever the player decides to transform, and in the Temple of Bhaal.

Given the story of Baldur’s Gate 3 and its major players, the Slayer form would be naturally encountered. If the player is not playing as the Dark Urge and committing certain acts that would give them the Slayer form, they will encounter it upon fighting Orin in Act Three.

Due to it being a form Bhaalspawn can take in the game, it takes upon the God of Murder’s visage, appearing as a monstrous and large creature. It can be a powerful form for the player to take and is also a dangerous creature to face when Orin has taken its form.

10 Ogres

A Classic Fantasy Creature

Baldur's Gate 3 ogres talking to each other

  • First encountered in Act One.
  • Can be found throughout the game, mainly in areas populated by the Cult of the Absolute.

Ogres are one of the most recognizable and well-known creatures in fantasy, with Baldur’s Gate 3 including a few spread throughout the game. They are mostly found within or around areas inhabited by those who worship the Absolute and are tougher enemies to defeat, owing to their size.

Players will most likely want to target any ogres in combat first due to their danger. Players can even recruit the first ogres they come across in the Blighted Village, granting access to some powerful allies.

9 Flesh

A Big Zombie Construct

Baldur's Gate 3 Flesh upper torso and head

  • Encountered in Act Two.
  • Found in the Gauntlet of Shar.

Constructs are usually on the larger side and Flesh is one such example. While not typically thought of as a construct because it is made of organic material instead of inorganic, Flesh doesn’t impede any size constraints.

Players are able to summon Flesh within the Gaunlet of Shar via a persuasion dice check when talking to Balthazar. The construct can be a useful ally, with its attacks relying on strength given its size.

8 Thisobald Thorm

A Creature So Big He Can Explode

Baldur's Gate 3 Thisobald Thorm talking to a player over a counter

  • Encountered in Act Two.
  • Found in The Waning Moon.

In Act Two, players must venture into the Shadow-Cursed Lands to find Moonrise Towers. The curse is stated to twist and corrupt those who are touched by it, and Thisobald might exemplify this the best.

Found with no protection against the curse, he is a large bloated mass on the cusp of bursting when players meet him. Talking to him long enough, or fighting him, will cause Thisobald to burst. In the dialogue scenes with the player, he dominates the screen, taking up most of it due to his size.

7 Minotaurs

Traditionally Known As Giant

Baldur's Gate 3 player facing a minotaur

  • Encountered in Act One.
  • Found in the Underdark.

There aren’t a lot of minotaurs encountered in Baldur’s Gate 3, but the few that can be found are large creatures that should be dealt with warily. Found in the Underdark, battles against the creatures can also drag a Bulette into the mix.

The ones that can be encountered can dish out a harsh amount of damage. However, due to their scarcity, players can play around the creatures to make sure they leave the encounter intact.

6 Steel Watchers/Titan

Large And Dangerous Constructs

Baldur's Gate 3 Steel Watcher resembling a squatting position

  • Encountered in Act Three.
  • Found throughout Baldur’s Gate.

The Steel Watchers are imposing and large mechanical figures patrolling around Baldur’s Gate to stop any ne’er-do-wells. Most of the time, the player will encounter the regular Steel Watchers, but the Steel Watcher Titan is a unique construct much tougher than its contemporaries, but one with an appearance that isn’t all-too different apart from its crab-like legs.



Baldur’s Gate 3: 13 Best Legendary Weapons, Ranked

All legendary weapons in Baldur’s Gate 3 offer players great power, but which of them are definitive choices to bring into the party to win the fight?

The constructs are difficult enemies to take down, owing to their high health, high resistance, and high damage. Their size alone clearly sends the message that they are not to be trifled with easily.

5 Yurgir

A Looming Giant Of A Devil

Baldur's Gate 3 Yurgir aiming a crossbow

  • Encountered in Act Two.
  • Found in the Gauntlet of Shar.

Devils are a major factor in Baldur’s Gate 3, mainly with Karlach in her personal story, Wyll with his, and Raphael. Players even hunt down Yurgir due to a deal made with Raphael.

In the Gaunlet of Shar, Yurgir is revealed to be an orthon, a large and imposing devil built for battle. In cutscenes, he is presented as a large being, with the camera always looking up at him, while in gameplay he is much taller than the party.

4 Apostle Of Myrkul

A Large Visage Of A God

Baldur's Gate 3 Apostle of Myrkul

  • Encountered in Act Two.
  • Found in the Mind Flayer Colony.

The gods are closely involved in the story of Baldur’s Gate 3, both in the central narrative and the personal quests of the companions. As a result, a visage of Myrkul would naturally be a larger being, which it indeed is.

Serving as the last boss of the second act, Ketheric Thorm transforms into the Apostle of Myrkul, a large skeletal figure. Even his scythe is bigger than some creatures, being a huge weapon, fitting the size of the Apostle.

3 Grym

An Infamously Tall Enemy

Baldur's Gate 3 Grym looking down upon the player

  • Encountered in Act One.
  • Found in Grymforge.

As is the case with DnD campaigns, the party will run into powerful adversaries. Grym perhaps embodies this the most, being one of the biggest roadblocks in a first playthrough of Baldur’s Gate 3.

Notably, it is immune to almost all forms of damage normally but can be damaged when superheated via the lava that can be activated in the arena. Its size immediately shows that the creature is not to be messed with, something instantly demonstrated by its difficulty.

2 Dragons

Staple Of Any Fantasy World

Baldur's Gate 3 Ansur laying on the ground

  • First encountered in Act One.
  • Found in the Mountain Pass, Baldur’s Gate, and on the Netherbrain.

Dragons are almost inherent to fantasy stories, being expected in such worlds. There are only a few dragons in Baldur’s Gate 3, but the ones that are encountered are massive creatures.

Out of the three that can be encountered, the Dominated Red Dragon is the only one that is mandatory, with Ansur being an optional boss. The last dragon, Qudenos, can be fought, but is mainly an ally as he serves Kith’rak Voss. When fighting them, they are huge enemies, taking up a large portion of the battlefield, with the party having trouble moving around them due to their sheer size.

1 The Netherbrain

So Large It Takes Up A Skyline

Baldur's Gate 3 Netherbrain falling out of the sky

  • First encountered in Act Two.
  • Found in Baldur’s Gate.

Serving as the overarching villain of Baldur’s Gate 3, the Netherbrain is a massive creature, easily dwarfing other beings. It’s so big that part of the final battle takes place upon the top of it.


Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Allies In The Final Battle, Ranked

The final battles in Baldur’s Gate 3 allow the player to summon various allies to join them on the battlefield. These ones provide the best support.

Even with nautiloids flying around the Netherbrain, it still manages to be larger, with a dragon, another giant race, sitting atop the brain. The player never fights the giant form of the brain, but instead battles inside the psyche of the Netherbrain, either destroying or controlling the massive creature.



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