
  • Destiny 2’s Season of the Wish introduces Grandmaster Nightfalls, which offer valuable rewards such as Ascendant Shards and Exotic armor.
  • Nightfall weapons provide a viable alternative to Raid loot, catering to players who find Raids difficult or inaccessible.
  • The new grenade launcher, Undercurrent, is a strong contender to Forbearance, especially for non-Raid players, but Forbearance’s perks still make it the superior option.

Destiny 2‘s Season of the Wish is in full Dawning swing for the holiday season, and this week marked the return of Grandmaster Nightfall after a short hiatus of three weeks at the very start of S23, allowing daring players to farm for guns and materials. GM Nightfalls in Destiny 2 can be some of the most rewarding content there is thanks to how common Ascendant Shards, Enhancement Prisms, and Exotic armor pieces are at the end of the activity – assuming players don’t wipe, which would take the team to orbit. Season of the Wish already added multiple good weapons, with one of the best linear fusion rifles ever and a great DPS pick in Destiny 2‘s meta in the form of Dragon’s Breath, but this week’s GMs bring yet another desirable gun that’s a valid alternative to Raid loot.

Destiny 2‘s Raids are the game’s pinnacle of PvE content in terms of teamplay, challenges to face, and often also loot. Some of the best weapons in Destiny 2 come from various Raids, with modern ones like Crota’s End and Root of Nightmare being among them. However, Raids are not exactly easy to complete nor do they appeal to the entire in-game population, to the point that they’re one of the activities with the least active players. As such, having a great gun from Nightfalls that can compete with Raid weapons is a saving grace for many.


Destiny 2’s Best Reworked Exotics for Each Class in Season of the Wish Explained

Destiny 2 features over 100 unique Exotic armor pieces, and with Season of the Wish reworking 20, there are some for each class that are now great.

How Destiny 2’s Season of the Wish Solves a Raid Loot Problem With One New Weapon

Not only has The Witch Queen been considered one of the best expansions ever for the game, to a degree topping or rivaling the likes of The Taken King and Forsaken, but it also came with what is likely the most unique and beloved Destiny 2 Raid – Vow of the Disciple. Vow of the Disciple has it all: compelling and difficult puzzles, diverse Raid bosses that shake up the status quo of the game, incredible aesthetics, and amazing loot.

One of the best weapons in the game, for PvE content at least, is Forbearance. This is an Arc Wave Frame grenade launcher that comes from Vow of the Disciple, and it became immediately clear it was going to be a game-changing gun thanks to the ridiculous combination of perks like Unrelenting or Ambitious Assassin and Chain Reaction. What this gun achieves is the best add-clear Special weapons can provide in Destiny 2, and to top it off, it also comes with in-built healing based on kills.

Destiny 2: Undercurrent Vs. Forbearance – Which is Best?

This week’s GM Nightfalls in Destiny 2 introduced a new weapon called Undercurrent, which is another Arc Wave Frame grenade launcher that is very similar to Forbearance, but with different perks. Right now, the god roll for Undercurrent is considered to be Voltshot in the fourth column and any of Lead From Gold, Demolitionist, and Ambitious Assassin from the third column. In a way, this weapon holds up to Forbearance very well, and while the latter is still better overall, there are good arguments to be made in favor of Undercurrent. For starters, it’s much easier to obtain, and it even has an Adept version that can be easily obtained in GM Nightfalls.

Origin Trait


Vanguard’s Vindication (Undercurrent)

Weapon kills restore 7 HP – this counts per kill and activates immediately.

Stunning Recovery (Undercurrent)

When stunning a Champion, reloads 25% of the magazine, restores 60 HP, and grants 40 Recovery.

Souldrinker (Forbearance)

Restores health on reload based on how many enemies were hit, ranging from 20 to 80 HP.

It may not be craftable, unlike Destiny 2‘s Forbearance, but Undercurrent can even top its kin when used on Arc subclasses and/or on grenade-heavy builds with Demolitionist, a perk Forbearance cannot get. Its overall add-clearing potential is still lower than Forbearance, especially on non-Arc subclasses, but for players who haven’t completed Raids yet it’s an amazing step in the right direction for PvE content. Still, Forbearance’s Origin Trait is miles better than the ones Undercurrent has, as it procs on hit against any enemy, and it works wonders with Chain Reaction. Undercurrent’s Vanguard’s Vindication can still be amazing for add-clearing and staying alive, however.

destiny 2 cover

Destiny 2

Bungie’s Destiny 2 is an online FPS that blends single-player and multiplayer content. Constantly evolving, the shooter has established a strong following since its 2017 debut. 

August 28, 2017

Online Multiplayer , Online Co-Op

Tiger Engine

T For TEEN for Blood, Language, and Violence

Destiny 2: Forsaken , Destiny 2: Shadowkeep , Destiny 2: Beyond Light , Destiny 2: The Witch Queen , Destiny 2: Lightfall

How Long To Beat


Platforms That Support Crossplay
PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One & Xbox Series X|S

Number of Players
1-6 (Co-Op)

PS Plus Availability
Extra & Premium


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