Fallout 5 and Destiny 3 are still a ways away from release, with the former not expected to begin proper development until around 2028 and the latter being little more than rumor and speculation at the moment. However, assuming another Destiny sequel happens, one new feature for both Fallout 5 and Destiny 3 is already in high demand among fans of the two franchises.

More specifically, future Fallout and Destiny games should consider expanding their roster of playable characters. Even before introducing new characters, both franchises already have a wealth of familiar factions to choose from to offer distinct playable characters. Especially considering that this feature could be key to introducing several new gameplay and storytelling mechanics, these franchises should arguably bite the bullet with this feature in future games.


Upcoming Fallout 76 Feature Shows How Far Fallout 4’s Base Building Has Come

A new feature scheduled to come to Fallout 76 in the Milepost Zero update is a testament to the growing appreciation for the game’s base building.

Fallout 5 Should Keep The Ball Rolling After Fallout 76’s Ghoul Playable Character

The demand for the Fallout franchise to offer multiple, distinct playable characters has always been a popular request among fans of the franchise. Ever since Fallout 76 announced a ghoul playable character feature would be coming to the game, the demand for this feature has only continued to grow. This means that ultimately, future Fallout games will be at an inevitable crossroads to keep this feature alive.

If this feature comes to future Fallout games, it shouldn’t stop at just ghouls and Vault dwellers. By now, there are already tons of contemporary and fan-favorite factions in the Fallout games that could offer interesting perspectives for a playable character.

Fallout Factions That Deserve Their Own Playable Characters

  • Brotherhood of Steel
  • Children of Atom
  • Cryptids
  • Enclave
  • Followers of the Apocalypse
  • Institute Synths
  • Legion
  • Mothman Cultists
  • NCR
  • Super Mutants/Nightkin

Depending on the setting of the game and where it fits into the Fallout timeline, some of these familiar factions could end up appearing in Fallout 5 anyway, which would make them a seemingly perfect candidate to introduce new playable characters. Even though players can normally become honorary members of these factions throughout the franchise, playing through the entirety of the game as a member of these factions could provide a distinct gameplay experience from the traditional Vault dwellers that make up the majority of the Fallout franchise’s protagonists.

Destiny 3 Already Has the Perfect Blueprint For New Playable Characters

Given the direction of recent expansions for Destiny 2, this franchise could also stand to benefit from experimenting with a wider variety of playable characters. For a long time now, Destiny 2 has been blurring the lines between the three existing character classes. This trend generally started with the Subclass 3.0 updates, which allow players to wield some of the abilities that were previously exclusive to the three character classes respectively. Then more recently, the Prismatic Subclasses and Exotic Class items have taken this even further.

Additionally, Destiny 2’s Vanguard has also developed newfound alliances with some of the Traveler’s former enemies, such as the Cabal and Fallen. So, based on both of these two trends, the future of the Destiny franchise arguably has the perfect solution to solve its character-class identity crisis by offering a wider variety of playable character options, potentially including Cabal and Fallen among other races of Guardians. Such a change could be key to introducing RPG elements into the franchise, which could be a refreshing twist to Destiny 2’s storytelling. Not to mention, new playable characters could also provide new gameplay opportunities such as a wider variety of abilities and weaponry.

All in all, an expanded variety of playable characters arguably seems like a natural progression for both franchises just waiting to happen, putting Fallout 5 and Destiny 3 in the same boat. Despite Fallout 5 and Destiny 3 still being a long way away from release, now is a great time to get these conversations happening about what fans hope to see from these future games.


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