Prime Video’s adaptation of Fallout was a success for the streaming service, dominating the streaming charts and nabbing a season two order. However, despite being well-received among both fans and critics, it’s safe to say the series missed the mark in one way. The Fallout video games are known for their various gross, nasty monsters, giving players a threat to defeat. However, the first season of Fallout barely touched on this aspect of the franchise.

Going into the second season, Fallout should up the ante with its monsters by bringing in some of the game’s more grotesque figures. The first season briefly showcased super mutants, the remnants of a deathclaw, and numerous feral ghouls. There was one memorable encounter with a yao guai, but few other monsters appeared. With the second season, there’s plenty more for Fallout to explore in its second outing, including mole rats, fully-fledged deathclaws, and even bloatflies.


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Monsters to Introduce in Season 2 of Fallout


Fans are understandably excited to see what the creators of Prime Video’s Fallout have in store for the forthcoming second season. Many are especially eager to see Lucy working with The Ghoul as they head toward what has been teased as New Vegas in the final moments of the season. One of the most notable moments of the show’s final moments, however, was the tease of one of the most popular monsters from the games: the deathclaw. While not properly introduced in the first season, fans see the remains of a deathclaw in the sand as Hank makes his way toward what appears to be New Vegas.

Unlike most of the monsters from the games, deathclaws weren’t the result of radiation. Instead, they were created by the government before the nuclear apocalypse, with the intent that they would be able to replace human soldiers. Unfortunately, they would end up becoming more than a soldier replacement. Instead, deathclaws would go on to become one of the most terrifying predators in the wasteland.

Another monster worthy of appearing in Season 2 of Fallout is the super mutant. Another species created prior to the fallout, Super Mutants are humans that were exposed to Forced Evolutionary Virus. First introduced in the original Fallout video game, Super Mutants still retain some of their intelligence and are among the most deadly predators players face off against.

There are plenty of other monsters that are notable within the games, but perhaps not nearly as terrifying or deadly as the super mutants or deathclaws. Still, they deserve an onscreen debut to help flesh out the Wasteland in the world of the show. Mole rats, bloatflies, scorched, scorchbeats, and radroaches are all good candidates. Some creatures were introduced in earlier games (such as molerats), and others in later installments (like the scorched). Regardless, though, the live-action television series is very much its own story, and can introduce monsters from any and all installments. That’s why it makes sense for the second season to up the ante by bringing in some of the more well-known creatures, as Lucy and The Ghoul make their way through the Wasteland in search of Hank.

Fallout Season 2 Shouldn’t Overdo It With Monsters

As exciting as it would be to see the series introduce more monsters from the games, it’s important that the show finds a way to balance the creatures with its narrative. One of the most impressive things regarding Fallout‘s first season was how well the writers focused on the storytelling. Each character had a well-thought-out backstory that influenced their actions, while they carved their paths forward. While there were monsters introduced throughout, the series never felt cluttered or overstuffed.

Whenever they did appear onscreen, the monsters moved the story forward when on screen, in addition to serving as an Easter egg for fans. One perfect example of this is Yao Guai, the mutated bear that killed the Knight Titus in front of Maximus. It’s not just a fun cameo for fans of the games, namely Fallout 3. It also helps to push Maximus’ storyline forward, allowing him to overtake the power armor and pose as Knight Titus in the meantime.

Trying to do too much in the second season could very well impact the story, making it feel oversaturated. So, as much as fans might want more from the series in terms of creatures from the video games, it is important to remember more isn’t always better. It’s all about balance. The story can’t suffer for the sake of creature appearances. However, the series should also continue to honor its source material by including the monsters that fans have come in contact with during their time in the virtual Wasteland.

Lucy and The Ghoul, and even Maximus, will have to face plenty of sidequests during Season 2, especially with Lucy and The Ghoul heading into unknown territory. Bringing in the deathclaws that were teased at the end of Season 1 seems like a no-brainer. Bringing in other creatures, such as the radroaches and bloatflies, seems like a plausible inclusion as they don’t need to impact the storyline. Either way, Season 2 of Prime Video’s Fallout has a lot to live up to and plenty of horrors left to explore.


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