Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has an interesting economy. Many of the items players can purchase at shops are available through other means, whether that be finding them in the game world or earning them through various minigames and challenges. On top of that, weapons are blocked from resale and cannot be bought again once they are found in the world.


7 New Things Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Teaches Us About The Lore

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth expands on the world’s lore in fascinating ways. Here are some of the most interesting details.

Because of this, players might be wondering what exactly should they sell and when. The list below will make sure players always have access to funds to buy the accessory, armor, materia, or support item they desparately want. Nothing feels worse than not being able to afford something one needs at a shop, and nothing feels better than having a boatload of gil to burn.

6 Excess Crafting Materials

Resources Found In The World

Zinc Ore in the menu

  • Planet’s Blessing, Zinc
  • The menu shows which regions hold what resources and how common they are

Rebirth includes a robust and easy-to-understand crafting system. The open areas are absolutely riddled with crafting materials and picking them up while running around on foot or on chocobo is effortless. Players will stack up 99 of the more common resources quickly.

Once this happens, the game notifies them that they cannot pick up anymore of that particular resource. Players have two choices at this point: craft some items, or head to the shop to sell the materials. Either option is valid, but the latter will help clear some space in the inventory while also racking up some gil.

This is perhaps the best option for players who are really strapped for cash, since resources out in the field are virtually infinite, making them and endless source of Gil.

5 Cushions

A Necessary Item, But You Don’t Need 90 Of Them

Cushion in the menu

  • Craftable and found in the world
  • Only usable at chocobo stops

Managing resources is important for exploration. Players always want to make sure they have enough healing items to stay out in the open-world environments without having resuply at a town.

Cushions are particularly helpful for making sure MP and HP are always refilled, but players can also become inundated with them through crafting and finding them out in the world. As long as they have between 15 and 20 cushions they are safe from running dry. The excess ones can be sold off for some cash.

4 Excess Materia

Helps Keep The Inventory Well Organized

Chadley's Materia Shop in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

  • Leveled up materia sells for more
  • Materia is bought, found, or traded in for intel points with Chadley

Players generally should never have to purchase Materia from stores unless there is something they really want for a particular build. Otherwise, anything on sale should come into the inventory one way or another.


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Best Materia Combinations For The Early-Game

Square Enix’s Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has a deep Materia system, and these are the best combos for the early parts of the JRPG.

In fact, the Materia Cloud finds in the world will add up and give the party numerous duplicates. When this becomes too much to handle, feel free to offload some of the Materia at a shop. It will award some gil and make sorting through the inventory easier.

Players will probably want at least two of every Materia just to be safe for future battles that might switch parties mid-battle. Additionally, equipping Materia to non-active party members still grants those Materia’s AP

3 Old Armor

If The Stat Number Is Lower, Get Rid Of It

Looking at elphadunk bangle in the menu

  • Armor is found throughout the world
  • There is a clear hierarchy of better armor that makes old armor worthless

Equipping armor does not have a lot of nuance in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. There is usually a choice between something beneficial to magic users and something beneficial to melee attackers. Players won’t find the same subtleties of equipment like they would in RPGs like Baldur’s Gate 3 or Fallout.

Because of this, it is pretty simple to sell obsolete armor at shops. Just be sure to keep some excess armor for more than three party members. Even though, most of the time, players only have to worry about the three active members, there are segments when players need to equip their whole party for a fight.

2 Grenades

Useless Attack Items Can Be Sold

Grenade in the menu

  • Do 200 damage
  • Use an ATB bar

Like most JRPGs, players will find offensive items they can use in combat. Depending on the type of player they are, they will either depend on these for a little while or forget about them as they build up a stockpile during the course of the journey.


7 Saddest Moments In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to somber moments. These are some of the most hard-hitting in the game.

They are more useless in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth than in other JRPGs. Players can regularly attack, and items eat up one bar of the ATB gauge. Most abilities that similarly use ATB generally do more damage than a Grenade, so players are always better off using an ability rather than one of these items. With this in mind, their best use is to sell them at shops for some money.

1 Inferior Versions Of Accessories

If All They Do Is Raise Stats, Sell Them When A Better Version Comes Along

Full Throttle Wristguards accessory in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

  • Keep most accessories with special features for unique fights
  • Accessories that increase vitality and strength have improved versions later on

On Easy and Normal difficulty, players can get past the game without thinking too hard about their accessories. There are some difficult optional bouts where they might have to be a little more strategic, but other than that, they can focus their accessory slots on strength or vitality.

These types of accessories have better versions as players progress through the story, meaning the old ones become utterly useless for anything else other than selling. Players will definitely find more than they need out in the world, so they might even have a surplus of accessories before they become completely obsolete.


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
PlayStation 5

February 29, 2024


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