Getting started in Lethal Company is incredibly hard. The game does little to teach players anything before throwing them into their first expedition, and many crews will likely find themselves unable to meet their first quota as a result of many, many deaths.

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Dying is part of the fun in Lethal Company, and there are a ton of things to learn before players can comfortably meet their quotas. Here are five tips every new player should know before diving into the game.

Always Have a Radio Operator

Ghost girl attacking a player in the ship in Lethal Company

Having someone to guide the expedition team cover the ship’s computer terminal can drastically increase the crew’s success rate. The radio operator can guide players to loot, warn them of incoming monsters, and even open locked doors or deactivate sentry guns.

However, keep in mind that the ship is not safe. There are monsters that can easily murder the player watching over the terminal, so whoever’s taking the job still needs to be on their toes while guiding the team.

Bring a Shovel

Coilhead encounter in Lethal Company

Most monsters in Lethal Company can be stunned if players manage to whack them with a shovel. This usually isn’t enough to kill them, but doing so will give the scavenging party the time they need to grab their loot and book it back to the ship. However, the shovel is fairly heavy, which means the team’s designated monster bonker won’t be able to carry much loot without getting weighed down.

Stop signs also serve the same purpose as the shovel. Try to sell those only when the team needs that extra bit of Credits to meet their quota.

Don’t Sell Everything at Once

Selling loot in Lethal Company

Speaking of meeting quotas, players should avoid selling their entire haul if the total profit they’ll make from it exceeds their quota. Any excess Credits will not carry over to the next quota, so it’s better to save a few extra items to allow more room for error during the next round of scavenging.

It’s good practice to keep at least a few high-value items like Gold Bars and power cores. Players will never know how badly their next run might go, so they should have some extra loot handy to act as employment insurance.

Bring Back Bodies

Running through a bunker with friends in Lethal Company

If a buddy gets viciously mauled while exploring, try to bring their body back to the ship to avoid penalties that will take a bite out of the crew’s Credits. The higher the active quota, the more expensive penalties will be. There won’t be any changes to the quota itself, but large penalties can quickly destroy the team’s economy and leave them without any gear for future expeditions.

There will be instances where body retrieval is impossible. If a teammate falls into the void or gets eaten by a giant, then there’s no other choice but to take the loss. Also, don’t be afraid to lose a few people during a run, as it’s part of what’s made Lethal Company so popular to begin with.

Buy Horns and Boom Boxes

An Eyeless Dog in Lethal Company

Eyeless Dogs are one of the biggest threats players can encounter on a moon’s surface. As their name implies, these monsters can’t see, but they can hear all sounds players make, including voice comms and transmitted walkie-talkie messages. They often gather around the ship as well, making safe extraction needlessly complicated.

To solve this, players can buy Boom Boxes or the Loud Horn from the store. Both can be used to distract the dogs while everyone sneakily boards the ship.

Lethal Company is available in early access for PC.

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