Warning: Minor spoilers ahead for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is not afraid of acknowledging that it takes place within a wider Marvel universe full of the brand’s many iconic heroes. Players can visit the Wakandan Embassy to pay tribute to Chadwick Boseman while wearing Miles’ Black Panther-themed costume, and a Wolverine suit can also be unlocked for Insomniac’s new main Spider-Man. Avengers Tower can still be spotted towering over New York’s other buildings, while the Sanctum Sanctorum Doctor Strange operates out of plays a part in a memorable Black Cat level. Street-level heroes are referenced as well, though one surprising removal got fans talking.

In the original Marvel’s Spider-Man, fans of the wall-crawler were thrilled to find a sign for Nelson and Murdock when inside Hell’s Kitchen. The name of the law firm Matt Murdock (AKA Daredevil) operates with his partner Foggy Nelson was even updated in the semi-sequel Spider-Man: Miles Morales to include portraits of Matt and Foggy behind the windows, leading many to hope that Insomniac Games was slowly building up to some kind of Daredevil project. Though a further change in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 briefly took the hype to new heights, it may have just been a mistake, but that does not mean Insomniac can’t use the error to its advantage.

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Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s Daredevil Sign Could Lead To DLC Or a Standalone Game

Daredevil #1 Comic

What Exactly Happened To Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s Nelson and Murdock?

When swinging to where Nelson and Murdock was located in the previous games, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 fans were shocked to see that the sign listing the lawyers’ names had moved. This instantly sparked fan theories about Matt moving away from lawyering to be a full-time vigilante, or the duo moving somewhere else to provide a fresh setting for a full-on Insomniac Daredevil game. Unfortunately, it seems like this may have just been an error on Insomniac’s part, as the names were added back to the sign via an update and Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 director Bryan Intihar joked that the lawyers had “paid their rent,” effectively killing the idea that this was a planned teaser.

The excitement around the Nelson and Murdock sign was coupled with the discovery of a strange room with a cult-like aesthetic and red logos that looked as if they had five points. Given that fans thought Daredevil was being teased, they assumed that this room was a hint at The Hand, though with the law firm sign seemingly being a mistake it is hard to tell what this room is meant to be hinting at.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s Daredevil Mixup Could Still Result In Something Special

However, though this seems to have just been a mixup on Insomniac’s end as opposed to something deliberate that is meant to suggest a Daredevil project is coming, the studio likely took note of how excited fans were about the prospect of such a game. Not only does Daredevil’s limited power set and grounded fighting style make him perfect for a cameo appearance in a possible Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 DLC or the heavily teased Marvel’s Spider-Man 3, as Peter could pull off fancy team-up moves with Daredevil just as he did with Wraith, but it could also allow Matt Murdock to lead his own game.

A Marvel’s Daredevil game developed by Insomniac could use much of the framework from Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, albeit with a more mature tone and slightly slower traversal. Still, it feels like a match made in heaven, and considering how the upcoming Marvel’s Wolverine indicates Insomniac having an interest in continuing to work with Marvel, and vice versa, there is still hope for such a Daredevil game. While the confusion around the Nelson and Murdock sign may have been something that Insomniac Games did not plan for, it could use the positive attention it brought as a springboard for a Daredevil cameo or standalone game.

marvel's spider-man 2

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

The sequel to 2018’s Spider-Man and its Miles Morales spin-off, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is a PS5 console exclusive. Insomniac’s open-world game features Peter Parker and Miles Morales as dual protagonists, with the two heroes going up against the likes of Kraven, Venom, and Lizard. 


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