
  • A Starfield player discovered gibberish text on a Xenofresh protective suit, causing mixed reactions from fans.
  • The text is intentionally small and serves a decorative purpose in line with Starfield’s aesthetic.
  • Future DLC may include new clothes with more hidden messages, and fans may get updates at Xbox’s Summer Game Fest showcase.

A Starfield player has noticed strange gibberish written on a Xenofresh Fisheries suit in the game. After releasing a major update providing a multitude of fixes, Starfield has recently been caught up in a whirlwind of rampant rumors which seem to have suggested the Bethesda RPG is potentially making its way to PlayStation alongside a number of major Xbox exclusive games. With Starfield‘s involvement in this rumored multiplatform shift having recently been walked back, Xbox fans are awaiting official word from Microsoft this week.

One of Starfield‘s major cities is Neon, a damp and rainy pleasure hub located on the ocean planet Volii Alpha in the Volii system. Home to a multitude of major corporations, Neon is essentially run by Xenofresh Fisheries, the company that manufactures the city’s most sought-after recreational drug, Aurora, which is only legal to purchase from Neon’s esteemed Astral Lounge. One side quest, titled Fishy Business, has the player take on a job at Xenofresh’s factory located underneath Neon’s main platform. It’s here where the quest gives players an official Xenofresh Fisheries Clean Suit as factory manager Valentina Gurov instructs them on how to produce that coveted Aurora.


Starfield Might Not Be Coming to PS5 After All

In yet another twist in the ongoing Xbox multi-platform drama, a well-known leaker walks back the claim that Starfield is coming to the PS5.

One Starfield player, NeedleworkerOk9031 on Reddit, made an interesting discovery about one of these Xenofresh suits. In the Starfield subreddit, they posted an image of a patch of text found on one of the pant legs of the protective suit. As the text is incredibly small, the image is quite unclear and challenging to read. Essentially, the text is a string of nonsense gibberish such as “yadda yadda,” and “blah blah blah.” It’s clear that this filler text isn’t large enough to be able to actually be read in-game, and that the text purely serves a decorative purpose in the vein of Starfield‘s sleek NASA-punk aesthetic.

Though seemingly harmless, this simple, barely noticeable, and quite humorous text has caused a bit of displeasure from some Starfield players. Under the post, some took issue with the gibberish, accusing Starfield‘s texture artists of being lazy. Others joked that they copied and pasted dialogue text from the game’s main questline. The majority of commenters understood the text as a simple joke for a texture that may have possibly gone completely unnoticed by the millions of Starfield players. Considering the Xenofresh suit is obtained in Neon, one of Starfield‘s largest cities, and that it took players five months to discover this barely readable gibberish, it’s clear that the artists never expected it to be noticed.

What’s Next For Starfield Fans?


Starfield‘s upcoming Shattered Space DLC will very likely add an array of new clothes and space suits to the game with potentially even more hidden messages such as this one. Perhaps fans may learn more about what exactly the DLC will entail, as well as its potential release date, at Xbox’s expected Summer Game Fest showcase later this year.

starfield game


Developed by Bethesda Game Studios, Starfield is a sci-fi action role-playing game where players interact with multiple factions, engage in combat, customize their main character and ship, as well as explore a universe that features over 100 systems and 1,000 planets.

September 6, 2023


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