That’s Not My Neighbor is a fun little indie game that was uploaded to mobile app stores and While the core gameplay loop of comparing documents to a person in front of you is rewarding and reminiscent of Paper’s Please, it also has a variety of Easter Eggs to keep players engaged.

While some of the Easter Eggs, such as the NPC Dr. W. Afton, are simply rewards for encountering them, others award medals when the player does very specific actions. One such Easter Egg is Chester’s Quiz, in which players have to answer six questions posed by a time-traveling hippie.



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Updated on May 29, 2024, by Abigail Angell: The new update for That’s Not My Neighbor includes Nightmare Mode, where Chester shows up and offers players a range of new questions. To keep this guide as complete as possible, it has been updated with all the answers players will need to pass the Nightmare Mode Quiz. This guide will also explain the reasoning behind why each answer is correct.

Where To Find Chester In That’s Not My Neighbor

A close up of Chester from That's Not My Neighbor

Chester spawns randomly in the Arcade Mode of That’s Not My Neighbor. He appears as an older man with a peace sign shirt, plaid button-up, and groovy headband. This led to speculation by fans that he is a time traveler, as the game takes place in the fifties, well before the peace sign and hippie movement took off. This theory was later confirmed by the developer.

Once Chester appears, he doesn’t have much to say in the way of small talk. Right away, he asks if you know the meaning of life. If you answer this (or any later question) wrong, Chester will leave. To correctly answer all of the questions in Chester’s quiz, you’ll need very specific, obscure pop culture knowledge. Alternatively, you can follow a guide like this one.

Every Correct Answer To Chester’s Quiz – Arcade Mode

A screenshot of Chester declaring you've given the right answer in That's Not My Neighbor



What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything else?


What is the scientific name of the Australian animal that drastically changes its appearance when removed from its natural habitat?

Psychrolutes Marcidus

What is the name of the only sport that allows you to punch your opponent in the face because they capture a piece?

Chess Boxing

At least how many times do you have to fold a 0.01mm thick sheet of paper to cover the distance between the Shire and Mordor?




According to F.S.M., global warming is a consequence of the fact that since the 19th century, the number of ______ decreased.


There are a total of six questions in Chester’s Quiz. Each must be answered correctly, or Chester will leave. Once Chester leaves, there is no chance for him to come back until you start a new run, so players should check their answers carefully before submitting them.

Question One

What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything else?

The first question is a reference to the book The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. The answer is 42.

Question Two

What is the scientific name of the Australian animal that drastically changes its appearance when removed from its natural habitat?

The second question is a reference to the Blobfish, and the answer is Psychrolutes Marcidus.

Question 3

What is the name of the only sport that allows you to punch your opponent in the face because they capture a piece?

You might think that this description sounds like a cross between chess and boxing. If that was your guess, you were correct. The answer, Chess Boxing, is a real sport in which opponents alternate between playing chess and boxing until the chess game is won or someone is knocked out.


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Question 4

At least how many times do you have to fold a 0.01mm thick sheet of paper to cover the distance between the Shire and Mordor?

This question is a reference to the book series The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. In it, the narrator states you would have to fold a .01 mm thick sheet of paper 38 times to reach Mordor from the Shire.

Question 5


This question has two steps. The first is solving the cipher, which is a vigenere cipher (we won’t go into how to decode a vigenere cipher yourself here). The solved cipher reads “What is the seventh planet in the solar system?” The answer to this is Uranus.

Question 6

According to F.S.M., global warming is a consequence of the fact that, since the 19th century, the number of ______ decreased.

In this question, F.S.M. refers to the Flying Spaghetti Monster, a spoof of organized religion. In the post history of this blog is an article on global warming, where F.S.M. claims that the decrease in Pirates is the cause of the phenomenon.


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Every Correct Answer To Chester’s Quiz – Nightmare Mode

A screenshot of Chester in Nightmare Mode asking his first question in That's Not My Neighbor



Lastname of the man behind the true face of the mask most known to internet users.


Which number would give you the victory in a contest of writing the largest number with the conventional rules of the Roman Numeral System?


Name the hairiest Lieutenant of World War II.


Temple where once a god caused the largest pandemic ever seen in all the great darkn beyond.


Clave name of the multicellular organism with the ability to clone anything it touches its rhizome.


How many numbers are formed with the digits of the cardinality of the parts of a set with the first perfect and happy number of elements?


Question 1

Lastname of the man behind the true face of the mask most known to internet users.

This question’s wording is confusing, but that is because it refers to a convoluted piece of internet culture. Many people who read this question probably think of the correct mask it relates to – often used to depict the hacking group Anonymous. This mask, white with a goatee and red cheeks, was made famous by the movie V for Vendetta. However, this isn’t the name of the man on whom the mask is based – which is what the question asks for. The mask depicts Guy Fawkes, a member of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 in England.

Question 2

Which number would give you the victory in a contest of writing the largest number with the conventional rules of the Roman Numeral System?

The answer to this question is much less convoluted than the last but still requires the player to know the numbering conventions of Roman Numerals, a seldom used system. Roman Numerals only go up to the letter m, which depicts 1000. Repetition indicates that a number should be added to the previous number, and you cannot repeat it more than three times. This, along with other rules we won’t cover in detail here, makes the answer mmmdccclxxxviii.

Question 3

Name the hairiest lieutenant of World War II.

This question might seem like a strange thing to find in a history book, but the answer is unusual enough to warrant recording. During World War II, captured Polish soldiers were offered the chance to fight for the Soviet Union and made their own battle unit (the Polish II Corps). During their time on active duty, the group gained custody of a Bear Cub whom they named Wojtek. This bear became a valuable member of the group as he grew and eventually received the rank of Lieutenant.

Question 4

Temple where once a god caused the largest pandemic ever seen in all the great darkn beyond.

This refers to an event in the MMO World of Warcraft. The Corrupted Blood Event took place in September of 2005 and essentially stalled the game entirely. The cause was a debuff inflicted by Raid Boss Hakkar the Soulflayer at the Zul’gurub Temple, which, through a bug, could escape the raid area into the main server.

Question 5

Clave name of the multicellular organism with the ability to clone anything it touches its rhizome.

The key to answering this question is the word “Clave.” Clave names are a feature of the SCP Containment Breach universe, which is assigned to things with unusual powers. One such organism, SCP-038, has the powers described in the prompt.

Question 6

How many numbers are formed with the digits of the cardinality of the parts of a set with the first perfect and happy number of elements?

While the first challenge of this question is undoubtedly parsing the convoluted wording, the answer is nothing most laypeople know of. The Cardinality of Numbers is a mathematical principle used to compare finite sets of numbers, and the question asks the player to devise one such set that is perfectly aligned. The answer to this question is 45360.

Rewards For Completing Chester’s Quiz In That’s Not My Neighbor

An image of Chester's badge and the commented achievement in That's Not My Neighbor

Passing Chester’s quiz results in him presenting the player with a badge of Chester’s face. This badge then sits in the player’s booth on the wall. In addition, players receive an achievement called The Best In The Class. Once you have passed Chester’s quiz, he will no longer appear.

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That’s Not My Neighbor

April 3, 2024

Nacho Sama



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