Players will face several choices during their time with Unicorn Overlord, and one of them appears upon completion of the Priestess, Abducted main quest. Specifically, it is at that point that fans must either pursue Alain’s cousin in Drakenhold or look for the Turenos of the elves in Elheim. For those players that may be struggling to make that decision, this guide contains a recommendation about how to approach the Drakenhold or Elheim choice in Unicorn Overlord.

Players are free to leave Drakenhold and Elheim at any point after entering the region. As such, fans need not be too concerned about making the wrong choice here, as they can always abandon one region and travel to the other if they are unhappy with their preliminary selection.


Unicorn Overlord: How to Farm Honors Fast

Grow your army and squad size by learning just how to farm Honors fast in Unicorn Overlord.

Unicorn Overlord: Drakenhold or Elheim

In general, it is recommended that players head to Drakenhold, via the Kingdom or Dragons main quest, before visiting Elheim. This is primarily due to the fact that the preliminary quests in Drakenhold are of lower level than those in Elheim, and they should be perfectly suited for fans that were thorough in their exploration of the first region in Unicorn Overlord.

That said, fans could consider dipping their toes into Elheim and completing its first quest, The Resistance Lives On, before venturing into Drakenhold. Indeed, while that side quest suggests that it should be completed when a player’s units in Unicorn Overlord are filled with characters that are around Level 15, it can actually be addressed well before that. This is possible because The Resistance Lives On features powerful siege weapons, minimizing the need to engage in direct combat at the start of the mission.

unicorn overlord elheim or drakenhold

The reason that this might be appealing is that characters in units that fire siege weapons still receive XP for their efforts, and low level Unicorn Overlord characters that participate in The Resistance Lives On will gain many levels very quickly. While it is not really necessary to earn those extra levels before tackling the quests in Drakenhold, players that pursue them will definitely have an easier time in the region than players that do not.

Another potential reason for completing the beginning of Elheim prior to working through Drakenhold is that there is a new mechanic introduced just after The Resistance Lives On. Specifically, that mechanic is character promotion, and it gives players a new way to improve their units. However, it is not possible to promote classes in Unicorn Overlord before reaching Renown Rank B, and it is unlikely that fans will be at that rank before dealing with Drakenhold.

Unicorn Overlord


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