
  • A Salvation Army thrift store surprises one gamer with a $4.27 illuminated Xbox sign.
  • Xbox fans can find merchandise like the sign in various places, from thrift stores to online shops.
  • Thrift store discoveries showcase the excitement of gamers finding unique gaming-related items at low prices.

While visiting a Salvation Army thrift store, one gamer stumbled upon an unexpected discovery, an illuminated Xbox sign. In addition to finding the sign in working condition, the gamer found the Xbox merchandise at a cheap price. The intriguing find was later shared on social media, where it caught the attention of many gamers.

While Xbox might be known for its exclusive games and powerful consoles, such as the Xbox Series X/S, the brand has had its share of merchandise over the years. For example, the company has sold everything from official Xbox fridges to Halo-themed jewelry. The company even has an Xbox Gear Shop on its website for fans to pick up merchandise based on the Microsoft-owned gaming brand. Recently, one Xbox fan found a piece of gear in an unlikely place.


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In a post on Reddit, a user known as typical_gamer1 shared a picture of their latest thrift store find. Specifically, the gamer discovered an Xbox sign while shopping at Salvation Army, purchasing it for $4.27, including tax. This unexpected Xbox-related item found at the thrift store was revealed to be in working condition, with the Reddit user noting the sign required 3 AAA batteries or a micro USB connector to light up. When posting about their discovery on Reddit, typical_gamer1 shared several pictures showing the sign, including one in a dark room and another revealing the price tag.

Since sharing images of the sign on the Xbox subreddit, some gamers commented on the discovery, noting they had a similar sign at home. It is worth mentioning that the sign appears to be available for purchase at some online locations, such as Amazon. However, the item is sold out on the Xbox Gear Shop website, where a green version previously sold for $34.99. Regardless, this sign was a nice piece of Xbox merchandise from a local thrift store for a passionate fan to uncover.

Beyond this neat Salvation Army Xbox sign discovery, gamers have made many other unlikely finds at thrift stores over the past few months. For example, one person found a bizarre silver lunch tray with the Xbox logo emblazoned while thrifting. In addition, some lucky gamers have found limited-edition consoles when shopping at thrift stores.

With all sorts of gaming merchandise from Xbox and other companies, including Nintendo, Sega, and PlayStation, on the market, it will be interesting to see what passionate gamers might run across next. As these latest discoveries at local thrift stores show, gamers never know what might end up at a low price at a store nearby.

Xbox Series X offers seamless gaming experience with high-quality visuals.

Microsoft Xbox Series X

With a Game Pass membership and the most powerful system currently available, the Xbox Series X offers access to a virtually limitless selection of games. The Xbox Series X also boasts stunning graphics and lightning-fast loading times, delivering an unparalleled gaming experience.


2 A batteries required. (included)

5.94 x 11.85 x 5.94 inches

13.1 pounds


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